Meeting Minutes September 23rd 2014
Great attendance – 36 Jeeps – but many others came in other vehicles too.
Sevenview – thanks to everyone whom contributed to the event in any way from organizing, volunteering or attending. the feedback has been very positive and it was rewarding to see the looks on peoples faces whom got to drive a jeep for the first time in a mild off-road Simulation – More feedback to come.
Rutty Family
As everyone knows by know the family suffered a devastating loss – and it was pre-announced that 50/50 would be suspended in order for us to collect funds to be given directly to the family.
After a brief description of the tragedy – many members spoke about Roy, the family and their positive impacts to the community and to BAJA as a club which was especially helpful for new members. It was recounted the kind of Pride Roy had in his BAJA gear; and that he had spoken to some post tragedy about the importance to him and his happiness that at least one of the shirts still exists for him and his son.
The Executive committee has been working on this issue since news broke and how best to address it. Following actions were taken :
1) A special 1 time 50/50 was held at the Sevenview Event with Sevenview’s permission and chose to have the Radio station z103.5 announce it over on event PA. – ( Thanks to Sevenview )
2) Membership was asked if the proceeds from all 50/50′ thus far could be diverted from the club treasury to the donations for the Rutty Family – It was unanimously approved.
3) A Collection was undertaken at the meeting – Details of the amounts were to be made available post meeting.
New Suggestions were also tabled and more details will likely be announced shortly.
1) Charity BBQ.
2) Replacing some of the Rutty Family’s Baja Clothing
3) Clothing Drive for the Family.
4) Availability to accept future donations
It was stated and the overwhelming sentiment was echoed overwhelmingly that giving has always been part of BAJA’s Legacy – but this time – it’s one of ours. And We’re all happy to help in whatever way we can from fundraising to Babysitting. More details will emerge over time in how we can help as individuals directly and in co-ordinated fashion thru BAJA.
New Business
Merchandise :
Clothing Merchandise inventory is getting lower and a new order is going to be needed imminently. While this has been discussed previously – Members are strongly encouraged to make their opinions known about types and colours of items needed.
We still have amazing quality flags in inventory.
New Events:
It’s time to turn our attention to the Christmas part and Other events like it as Colder weather draws near. Input on venue’s is appreciated. bowling has been an idea as well as the Committee needs more input on restaurants and or community facilities with a private area large enough to handle our growing club at a reasonable price. Input is appreciated.
Durham 4×4 Is this weekend Saturday. Durham did send trucks to Baja’s event. This is likely the last of the season – if anyone can go it looks to be a good time.
Future discussions :
BAJA RTI Ramp was briefly mentioned ; The executive committee is looking at a few background details before bringing this to the club.
Roundtable – Was waived this week.
FUNDRAISING UPDATE – $ 1245.00 was Raised at the event for the Rutty Family. Great Job everyone. The Club will continue to accept donations individuals wish to make to the family until further notice.